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Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal Cord Stimulation is a safe treatment used to treat patients in whom chronic pain has significantly limited their activities of daily living.


For over forty years patients (worldwide) have been using this type of technology for conditions such as Neuropathic Pain (nerve related pain); Failed Back Surgery Syndrome; Complex Regional Pain syndrome; Post Traumatic Neuropathic Pain.


The Stimulator is an implant - an electrical machine - that can change some of the pain messages your body is sending to your brain, reducing the amount of pain that you are experiencing. The stimulator works by sending very small amounts of electricity to parts of the spinal cord.


In the past Patients using conventional SCS can experience a tingling sensation over the area that is usually painful during therapy because of its low currency frequency 30-150 Hz.


However by using the latest High Frequency Stimulation, or Burst Stimulation e.g. HF10 10,000 Pulses/Second or Burst Stimulation with a Burst Frequency of 40 Hz and a Pulse Frequency of 500Hz you will not feel any tingling..

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Wired Technology

There are many different SCS systems available to patient of the Neuromodulation Hub - based on patient specific requirements.


Systems by Boston Scientific, Medtronic, Nevro & St Jude SCS comprise of...


1. A very small computer like device (IPG) that controls everything. It’s about the size of a box of matches. The doctor will usually place it either under the skin in your tummy, upper gluteal (buttock) area or in an area as discussed with you prior to implant.


2. A thin wire that sits in your spine (Electrodes) and delivers a tiny amount of electricity to the spinal cord very accurately and safely.


3. An extension lead that connects the computer like device to the wire in your spine (if required).

Wireless Technology


You may be considered suitable for the so called Wireless Systems e.g. StimWave.


This system is comprises of...


1. A thin wire that sits in your spine (Electrodes) and delivers a tiny amount of electricity to the spinal cord very accurately and safely with a receiver & transmitter chip at its lower end.


2. A very small computer like device worn on your clothing, which communicates & controls the receiver & transmitter within the body.


3. A hand held controller that you use to switch the machine on or off and to adjust  your pain control .

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